Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things I've Learned #1

While I may be very opinionated, you'll hear me rave and rant a lot, this little place on the Web is about adjusting life and learning things that are now different from before. Maybe some minor, maybe some major. Either way, if I notice anything different, or I'm taught anything different, I'm going to make a note. It'll help me remember, and with any luck, it'll be interesting to hear. So let's get started. =)

Things I've Learned - Episode 1
(Star Wars references, easiest to use...)

  • "What's this 'cold cuts' you speak of?" - One of the more humorous things I think I learned on Day 1. We had gone into Wal-mart to pick up essentials that I needed, but didn't want to try and sneak passed airport security with all the new rules. In Jersey, meats and cheeses you get from the deli are called cold cuts. Here in Arizona, it's...well, deli meat. Real original, right? In this case, I think Jersey wins. Cold cuts just seems more creative.

  • "Stay away from the intersection!" - Ladies and gentlemen, I learned to drive in Jersey. -bows and relishes the applause!- If you learn to drive there, you can drive anywhere. But of course, the minute I learn to drive, I have to give it up. However, that doesn't stop my learning. In Jersey though, to make a left-hand turn, they encourage you to pull into the intersection and then make your turn. In Arizona, you so can not do that. Left-hand turns are celebrities here. They have their own personal lane, and in the majority of instances, it's own personal arrow light. You wait for that light, or the safest opportunity if there is no arrow, and then you make your turn.

  • "Red means stop! Limit means limit!" - You'd think that's universal everywhere, but only in the ideal world. However, Arizona cracks down heavy on their red lights and speed limits. There is no "I just made it!" at lights and no "Well, I'll go a tiny bit over, just a little!" with the limits. The cameras and places that officers hide will catch you, and you will go down. I've even heard stories about people from across the country getting tracked down for a speeding ticket, simply because the camera caught them. It's very simple: you 'brake' it, or you pay it.

  • "The wide open spaces..." - This is one change that I actually like. Jersey is very "tightly packed together," and can feel a little crowded. It's not a bad thing, hell, New York is even more congested, and I love it there. But I'm really liking the spacious feel of Arizona too. You have your little residential communities to give you the suburban feel. Outside of that, after a slight drive, you have the businesses and malls, which are huge and have just about anything you could possibly think of. Some indoor (Superstition Springs and Chandler Fashion District), some outdoor (San Tan Village). Everywhere inbetween and for miles around, you have a beautiful backdrop of mountains and desert (lots of cactus, lots and lots of cactus). Heck, it feels like we practically have mountains in the backyard. Behind my aunt's house is the San Tan mountains, gorgeous view from the 2nd floor. Maybe that's the real reason I want an "upstairs" in the new house, to have a pretty view!

There's your lesson for the day! Quiz next week; Faith out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Faith, Jenna here. Thought I'd chime in :D

    I call them cold cuts and i've lived just about as West coast as you can get for my whole life! If you were to call it deli meat I would understand, but I call it both, and usually cold cuts, Or maybe sandwich meat :P

    In Jersey, don't left turns have to yield? Through traffic has the right of way? There's plenty of left turns out here too, but you have to yield or wait for the light if it has it. I love when it has a light, because there are times that I get stuck waiting for a left turn and miss the light because the oncoming traffic didn't let up enough for me to go through.

    California is a bit more lax than AZ for speed. Most cops aren't gonna bust you for going 5 mph over the limit but they will get you for running a red light, if they catch you that is. Just make sure there's not a camera at the intersection. Do they have cameras at intersections in NJ?

    If you like nice views, come to San Diego ;) you can get from the Mountains to the beach in about an hour.

    What was a blog about differences in NJ and AZ spawned a comment about the differences between AZ and CA :P
