Friday, June 19, 2009

The Hero of Time by BMB Finishes

I'm going on a job interview today. I need happy, pretty vibes that hid during that previous post below. Funny thing is, the interview's at GameStop and this slightly ties in!

This is a film based on my favorite game series, "The Legend of Zelda," by the independant company BMB Finishes. Been following this gem since I first happened upon the trailer on the almighty YouTube. Been dying to see it, but there's currently only one way possible to do so: convincing them to do a showing in your town. The film already premiered in Atlanta two weeks ago, and before they release it online or DVD, they want to show it off in a few more cities.

Come on, Arizona! Get them to premiere it in Phoenix or somewhere inbetween where we can all be happy. There's got to be Zelda fans out there in this vast open desert mountain land! =) It's as simple as signing up here on their HoT SPOTS page. This is a way for them to see where the most demand is. Fight for us, get Hero of Time here! Look at that trailer again to convince yourselves! Yay Zelda!

Faith out =)

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