Friday, June 19, 2009

Never Talk Politics and Religion...

...I guess it had to happen sooner or later.

I'm not a fan of politics, people. I never have been, and never will be. I registered to vote simply to have valid reason to be pissed off in the people's eyes. Think the only thing stopping me from being any kind of radical is the fact that I have parents who raised me with a good heart, a sound mind, morals and yet still allowed me to have a big mouth. =)

I was also told never to lie, and have learned why the hard way. So I just don't see the point in trying to figure out "Who's going to lie to me less?" It's not a stereotype; it's fact. People were very happy to see the first African American president in their lifetime. I'd be more proud to see the first politician of any race and creed who tells the whole truth before I die.

The good ship Obama's been hitting one too many bumps for me to stay on the boat. I sat and watched his inauguration speech just like the rest of America did, hoping against hope that he would mean every word. So far, he's let me down at least three times, and he's only been in office for 6 months. F***.

1) Childishly getting pissed off with a news channel. Christ, really? Just about every politician before him has had problems with the media. Did they get whiny about it? That's a risk of living in a country that has freedoms of speech and press. We're allowed to give our opinions, right wrong or indifferent! This is the very definition of nonsense, sorry. You're in the spotlight, expect people to have opinions about you and don't hate on the negative.

2) Defending the Defense of Marriage Act. This was brought to attention by a dear friend. Yeah, I'm straight, but I do have gay friends and family. I was raised in a country that, above all, was taught to believe in equality. I believe in a loving, caring God who has a very bad press rep from bible pushers who toss the word of MAN around like it's going out of style. Laws like DOMA that allow states to not recognize a marriage of love simply because they are the same gender is wrong. President Obama is proud to call himself a black man; his race was treated horribly for years. Who the hell is he to sit there and defend something like DOMA when it encourages the very same prejudices and hate that his race endured? He had gay and lesbian support from day one; he promised to help them get what they deserve! This is bull shit, plain and simple. The man is being a hypocrite, and it's not fair.

3) Yeah, so how about those ice storms in Kentucky a few months back? ...what? You never heard of them? Well, hot damn, they were pretty damn destructive, like Katrina was. My family there was without power for quite a long time. ...what? Obama wasn't there? He was having a Superbowl party?? Oh how silly of me, didn't mean to interrupt that. I thought it was only in high school that jocks get all the love over arts and education! Forgive me, I didn't mean to be so stupid...

...and yet...George Bush was ridiculed for not getting down to New Orleans quickly enough. Hmm, that's strange. At least he had the dignity to show his face, therefore making the media more aware of the situation. President Obama didn't even show up, and the media barely - if any - talked about Kentucky. Does that really seem fair to you?

-sigh; checks the calendar- Well, we have 3 1/2 more years of this. There's always room for improvement, and God, I hope he takes advantage of it. I've finally got the hell out of Jersey; don't want to see it all be for nothing if the country goes to shit. I want to see the change that he promised, but I'm not known for being patient. Still, I got my comfy chair and popcorn right here. Anybody want some? -waits for it, munching away-

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have nailed this one to the wall...
