Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello & Welcome! - Blog Day 1

As if the title doesn't say it perfectly...yeah, that Jersey sarcasm will probably never go away.

Hello, and welcome to my new blog! Name's Faith and I'll be your host for your following visits! Many of you are family and friends stopping by - hopefully - to follow day-to-day life. But for anyone that isn't (thank you, internet!), I'll let you know a little about me and what to expect.

Yes, I'm originally a Jersey girl. Yes, I moved to Arizona very recently. No, I don't have an accent, and I will make you pay me $20 bucks before I say certain words. (What can I say? 25 years of Jersey life will teach you easy ways to make some cash, LOL.)

But in all seriousness, with a new life comes a way to remember how it all started and how it goes on from here. I came out here a couple of weeks ago, and my family back east is sure to follow. It's a time to start anew.

You'll get to see a lot of my experiences here, as Arizona is quite a state to explore. Who knows? Maybe you'll be inspired to visit some of the places I hope to include here. I already have a video in the making about one of my first exploration spots: Saguaro Lake. So stay tuned for that!

Not to mention, I'm a writer by nature, and anything and everything that I like to, write about, I will. My interests include a great many things. They're like the music on my iPod - the most eclectic group of favorites ever, ranging from musical theater to comic books. Watching them adapt to west coast living should be interesting.

That's pretty much it for a welcome. Until next time, I leave you with my most well-known words of farewell: Faith out.


  1. And we are lucky to have her with us in AZ.
    Aunt Jodie

  2. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so happy you live with us, I can't even put it into words!

    Love Your Little Sis, Cammie
