Saturday, July 25, 2009

That Time of Year...

And I don't mean Christmas.

It's monsoon season, been such for a while. Rain's been pretty nasty when it decides to show up (although so far, nothing beats last year's rain, -shudder!-). This is what I had outside my window though, not pretty. That bobble-head tree scared the beejeebus out of me when I first saw it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Voice Acting #1 - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man & Old Bats

Once upon a time, many months ago - not really, but I digress - I had a dream to be a part of fan films. Being the Batman fan that I am, when the opportunity arose, I seized it. Since then, my new favorite hobby has been doing voice acting. So far, I have two final credits to my name (three if you count having been two different girls =)).

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
My big debut as the female news anchor. Based on the famous graphic novel by Frank Miller, this incredible fan trailer was animated by Jared Kowis (Kowis Animation), who I still must owe some percentages to for being my best 'agent,' LOL. He really did a wonderful job that still leaves me in awe and I'm very honored to have been a part of it.

Amazing Fantasy #15: The Origin of Spider-Man
Part I and Part II
My newest performance, this time on the Marvel side of the Fan Film tracks. An amazing fan animated motion comic about the first appearance of Spider-Man, presented by JWB Studios. In this recently debuted project, I play two girls who go to school with Peter Parker, both turning him down and teasing his geeky appearance. Having been the teased kid at school, I think I've officially come full circle, LOL. This project is awesome to watch, and both parts come highly recommended.

Hopefully there is more on the horizon, and you know that Arizona Livin' will be the first to get anymore news if they do. Til then, enjoy. Faith out. =)

Caption Game - My Desktop Wallpaper.

(Click thumbnail for bigger version.)

Of all the new screenshots for Batman: Arkham Asylum released today, this is my fave. The question is, who can do the best caption? This just begs to have some dialogue, just for some laughs. Ready set go!

If you're looking forward to this game as much as I am, be sure to check out the newest trailer, also newly released today!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th from Arizona Livin'!

Holidays lately seem like any other normal day, and maybe for some people they are. I understand that not everyone celebrates Christmas or Easter, and that's fine. That's why we live in this country.

Speaking of which, there is no reason for anyone not recognizing a day like today, Independence Day. This, my fellow Americans, is a federal holiday, a national holiday. You live here, you celebrate it. Because of this day back in 1776, you are able to live here and make decisions about how you want to live or what you want to believe in. Coming here from another country doesn't make a difference. Unless you are Native American, all of our ancestors did so at one time. You live here now, and that's what matters. There are no excuses.

On a lighter note, while driving home with my aunt earlier today, I saw the only people who could be working today doing so on a corner in our community. Nothing screams good ol' Americana like a lemonade stand. For the first time in my life - that's 25 years worth - I saw a real tried and true stand on the corner. It was without a doubt the most awesome sight I have seen in a while. Of course, these kids modernized it into a Lemonade Walmart, LOL. Not only could you get lemonade - original and pink! - but they were also selling brownies, donuts, and those little magnets made out of beads. It was priceless. Really should've asked for a picture, but the internet's a crazy place. =) It just made me smile to see that not everything nice and priceless has become extinct these days, especially on a great day like this. Not to mention, it proved that here in Arizona, you really can buy just about anything on the roadside, LOL!

As for me, I plan on watching my favorite American icons (Justice League, yay!), seeing if the movie version of 1776 is on as usual, and hopefully finding a fireworks display tonight. Heard about a few, so here's hoping!

Happy 4th everybody! Faith out. =)

Note: Flags at the top of this post are courtesy of, for all your animated flag needs. =)