Monday, August 24, 2009

AL's Arkham Asylum Countdown - Midnight Release

Today's Quote: "Welcome to the madhouse, Batman! I set a trap, and you sprang it gloriously!" -- Good ol' Mistah J. =)

Well folks, it's the day before the official release of B:AA, and the more I realize that, the more excited I am. Ever since GameInformer debuted a massive article about it last September, this game has been at the top of everyone's list as all fans went through the up's and down's of gradual released media and multiple release date delays. But after seeing the actual boxes the other day (God bless working at a local GameStop!), it's all very surreal today. Tomorrow is actually happening!

However, for those who have very low patience levels after waiting this long year, check your local GameStops and other stores that carry video games. Tonight at midnight, most will be having a midnight release for the game where you can hold it in your hands nice and early before the public descends on it tomorrow. Best to do so soon, even put a pre-order on it while you still can. This game is highly anticipated, and there's no knowing what will be the case tomorrow! If you can't wait, now's the time to act and guarantee yourself a copy!

If you need help passing the time until midnight however, Arizona Livin' recommends the following:
  1. Enjoy checking out IGN's Arkham Asylum Reader Guide. It gives a complete rundown on the characters appearing in the game, as well as a little history about each. Not to mention, for the readers out there, it offers the best stories to find each character in. Let me tell you, many of them come highly recommended!
  2. Check out the previously released first ten interactive minutes of the game, where you lead Joker down to the Intensive Treatment area. Part 1 and Part 2!
  3. Rent any and every Bat DVD you can find. My personal recommendation: anything with the Animated Series. With Paul Dini's writing, and the talent of Conroy, Hamill, and Sorkin, it's the perfect thing to lead up to playing the game!
  4. As previously suggested by the Reader's Guide, check out some graphic novels at the library, or your local Barnes & Noble maybe! Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on a Serious Earth is a classic I've been told, or for the more lighthearted, Batman: Mad Love has my personal smile guarantee!

Until tomorrow, have a Bat-filled day, and stay tuned for AL's review of the game itself, coming soon! (Read that as when my copy arrives, LOL.) Faith out!

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